Nora Iuga © photo private


Nora Iuga [Romania]

Nora Iuga was born in Bucharest in 1931. After completing her studies in German language and literature, she went on to become an editorial journalist for the German language newspaper Neuer Weg (tr: New Way) and the magazine Volk und Kultur (tr: Nation and Culture).Her first collection of poems, Vina nu e a mea (tr: It Is Not My Fault) was published in 1968. Following the publication of her second volume of poetry, Captivitatea cercului, (1970; tr: Caught in the circle), Iuga was banned from publishing her work. Yet, the publication of her third volume of poetry was allowed eight years later she became increasingly established over the years as a prominent voice in Romanian poetry. Jumping between a great variety of situations restlessly, her unrhymed verse spirals through poetic forms addressing physicality, longing and desire, and connecting melancholy and love of life with clear, fresh imagery. The first English translation of her work, a collection of poems called The Hunchbacks’ Bus, was published in 2016. Iuga has also made a name for herself as an outstanding translator of literary works by Thomas Bernhard, Paul Celan, Günter Grass, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Elfriede Jelinek, Ernst Jünger, Herta Müller, and others. She was awarded with a grant from the Akademie Schloss Solitude in 2003 and won the Friedrich-Gundolf-Preis in 2007. In Romania, Iuga has been distinguished with five awards by the Writers’ Association, two by the magazine Cuvîntul (tr: The Word) and awards from the cities of Slobozia, Satu-Mare and Călăraşi. In 2017, she received the Ordinul Național Pentru Merit (tr: Romanian National Order of Merit) for her entire works and contribution to Romanian language and literature. Member of the Romanian Writers Association and of the PEN Club, Iuga lives in Bucharest.