Legal Notice
Solely responsible for the content of this homepage is in accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Bebelplatz e.V.
Ulrich Schreiber
Xantener Str. 17
10707 Berlin
Responsible for the contents in accordance with § 10 Paragraph 3 MDStV: Ulrich Schreiber (Address as above)
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Despite careful scrutiny, the editors do not guarantee correctness, relevance or completeness of the information published on this website. Possible material or non-material damage resulting from the usage of the offered information may not be put in a claim against the editors. Editors reserve the right to change the website as a whole or to some extend without prior notice or to stop publishing entirely.
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Responsible for the contents in accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Ulrich Schreiber